
Role Name Class Year Group Curriculum Responsibility
Headteacher: Mrs Cowell N/A N/A  
Deputy Headteacher: Mr Lee Yew Year 6  
Assistant Head / SENCO Mrs Armstrong Poplar N/A  
Assistant Head / Teacher Miss Jeffery Aspen Year 2  
Teachers: Mrs Gale Yew Year 6  

Mrs Coates

Beech    Year 6 


  Miss Savage Elder Year 5  

Miss Dixon

Birch   Year 5  
  Mr Meadows  Maple Year 4  
  Miss Stephen  Poplar Year 4  

Miss Gorski

Larch Year 3  

Miss Whalley

Horse Chestnut Year 3  
  Mrs Hampson Sycamore Year 2  
  Mrs Walters Sycamore Year 2  

Mrs Williams

Mrs Paish

Ash Year 1  
  Miss Coster Pine Year 1  
  Mrs Maysey Pine Year 1  
  Mrs Pracy-Nyman Holly (Saplings) F2  
  Mrs Burberry Holly (Saplings) F2  
  Miss Halliwell   Oak (Saplings)    F2  
  Miss Ottley Seedlings F1  
  Miss Jackson PPA Cover    
  Mrs Olner PPA Cover    

Teaching Assistants

Year Group Class Staff TA TA across years
F0/F1 Seedlings

Miss Gale

Mrs Band

Mrs Dartnell

F2 Saplings - Holly & Oak

Mrs Mortimer

Mrs Sloggett


1 Ash Mrs Choudhary  
1 Pine

Miss Ball

Mrs Bailey

Mrs Harding (nurture)
2 Sycamore Mrs Allum  
2 Aspen

Mrs Cripps

3 Larch


Mrs Roberts


3 Horse Chestnut Mrs Smith
4 Maple


Mrs Goddard


Mrs Dudman

Mrs Ponting

Mrs Bryant

Mrs Bruce

Mrs Dartnell
4 Poplar
5 Birch Mrs Foster


Mrs Baker

5 Elder
6 Beech Mrs Theobald  
6 Yew


Mrs Curtis


Mrs B Dudman - Nurture Lead but home base Y4/5

Ms S Robinson - Nurture/interventions F2/Y1/Y2 but home base Y3am


Non teaching staff

School/Nursery Administrator:  Mrs L Westlake
School Administrator: Mrs A Dart
School Administrator: Mr R Riddell
Site Manager:    Mr P Elliott
Child and Family Support Worker: Miss G Ramsay
Chef Mr D Smith

Academy Committee / Governors

Shaw Ridge Primary School is part a multi academy trust called Grove Learning Trust.  Please click here to visit Grove Learning Trust’s Website.   

As an academy that is part of Grove Learning Trust, Shaw Ridge Primary School has an academy committee made up of staff, parents and people from the community which is overseen by the Trust’s members and trustees.   

Academy Committee governors are expected to champion and hold the leadership team to account for its performance through effective support and challenge. They operate as one body, as a committee of the Board of Trustees, which is the Trust's legal governing body. Each Academy Committee is accountable to the Board of Trustees through the Board's committees - Resources, Audit and Risk (RAR) and Standards & Performance (S&P). Governors are appointed by the Academy Committee after appropriate elections or recruitment processes. 





GLT Scheme of Delegation (including Academy Committee Terms of Reference) 

Please click here to view the GLT Scheme of Delegation

Composition of the Shaw Ridge Academy Committee




(Chair / Vice Chair / Governance Professional)

Appointed on - Term of office

Appointed by

Details of other directorships/trusteeships

Membership of any professional bodies in which they have a position of management

Any other conflict of interest or family connection to the Trust

Jill Bourne

Co-opted Governor


Academy Committee




Ashish Channawar

Parent Governor



Governor at Great Western Hospital Trust.

Chair for Wiltshire Advisory Network for Counter Terrorism Police.

Deputy Chair for Advisory Group (Wiltshire Police)



Sally Cowell

Head Teacher

Head Teacher Governor


Grove Learning Trust



Employee of GLT

Phil Harland

Co-opted Governor


Safeguarding Link Governor


Academy Committee

Director of Your Logo Ltd

Director of Games Talk Supplies Ltd

Member of The Parks Academies Trust



Neil Linsell

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair

Grants (PPG and Sports Premium) Link Governor


Academy Committee




Zoe McCormick

Co-opted Governor

SEND Link Governor


Academy Committee




Alhagie Sanneh

Parent Governor






Louise Walley

Staff Governor





Employee of GLT








 Amelia Penfold

Governance Professional


Grove Learning Trust



Clerk to Ridgeway School, St Mary’s School, Holy Cross School and St Catherine’s School, (Swindon)

If you have a question or any feedback for the Governors at Shaw Ridge Primary School, please contact

























If you have a question or any feedback for the Academy Committee at Shaw Ridge Primary School, please contact the Governance Professional, amelia.penfold@grovelearningtrust.co.uk  








Parent Teacher Association

The Friends of Shaw Ridge is the Shaw Ridge Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and its mission is to promote positive relationships throughout the school community by organising social events and fundraising for additional resources.

All parents and carers automatically become members of the Friends of Shaw Ridge when their children join the school.

Shaw Ridge PTA Committee 2022/2023

President - Sally Cowell

Chair - Abbie Dart

Vice Chair - Sarah Robinson

Treasurer - Vanessa Grant

Deputy Treasurer - Alan Kelly

Secretary - Becky Kimber

Publicity Officer - Jade DaSilva

ECO Coordinator & Unity Garden Lead - Tracy Kaymak

Volunteer Coordinator - Kathryn Hollingworth

Grants Officer - Position available

Stores Organiser - Position available


For more information on our fundraising events please visit our facebook page. @friendsofshawridge.com

Easy ways everyone can help:

Click here to order Stikins school uniform name labels and raise money for the school.

Don’t forget about Easy Fundraising – if you join, every time you shop online you can help raise extra money for the school. 

AmazonSmile - When you shop at smile.amazon.com or using AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app, Amazon will donate to FOSR charity.

Your School Lottery - Sign up and help us raise money at the same time as giving parents/carers the chance to win prizes!

Don't forget!

We also have a clothing recycling bin located in the car park. All proceeds go to the FOSR charity.

We also recycle ink cartridges and water filter cartridges which saves them from landfill and helps us raise funds. These recycling boxes are located in the main school reception.


If you want to get in touch with any fundraising ideas or to volunteer, please email us friendsofshawridge@gmail.com


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