What music looks like at Shaw Ridge School
What a Music lesson can look like in our school:
- Music is taught in KS1 and KS2 using Music Express.
- Music Express gives children the opportunity to learn about rhythm, beat and to gain an opinion on the music genres they like.
- Music Express also gives children the opportunity to compose and perform, taking into account the different elements of music.
- Ukulele is taught in Year 4 by a music specialist.
- Opportunities are given to children to learn a musical instrument of their own. Specialist peripatetic teachers teach music lessons in keyboards, drums, guitar and violin to children who choose to pay for them.
- Children have opportunities to perform what they have been taught to family members and to the school in assemblies.
- Children are encouraged to appraise pieces of music.
- Children are taught to listen out for different instruments.
This is how it works:
- Independent and collaborative work is encouraged in each year group.
- We have weekly singing assemblies in KS1 and KS2 where we learn classic hymns and also music from different genres.
- We have different events that the choir perform at throughout the year such as Junior Music Festivals and PTA events.
This is our philosophy:
- High quality modelling and scaffolding of the skill leading to high quality musical work.
- Cross-curricular links wherever possible
- Children learn through exploring different genres whilst acquiring new skills
- Encourage children to gain a love of music and have the opportunity to perform
This is what we do:
- Each Year group have particular skills to focus on which are set out in Music Express. The children will then progress through the skills as they move up the school.
- By the time the children leave Year 6, they will have covered a range of musical genres and styles to get the children engaged and enjoying their learning.
- Links with other areas of the curriculum are embraced to provide a more meaningful learning experience.
- Raised profile of music through the use of performance during assemblies and music roadshows
- Regular opportunities for parental involvement to showcase music being taught through performances and coffee mornings.
This is what you might typically see:
- Enthusiastic, engaged learners
- Independent and collaborative work
- Range of challenges/differentiation to meet needs of all children
- Use of technology where appropriate
- Reflective learners who are willing to improve
- Engagement, perseverance and resilience
- Children talking about, sharing and reflecting on their learning
This is how we know how well our pupils are doing:
- Different forms of feedback
- Observations of children during lessons
- Photographic/video evidence
- Feedback given during performances
This is the impact of teaching:
- Confident children who can talk about Music
- Children who are prepared to take risks and develop their attitude towards music
- Children who enjoy music lessons