Home Learning

Class Dojo - This is the main website we use to set home learning activities.  This will still be used for some things e.g. spelling, when back in school.


Premier League Primary Stars - Ideas to educate, entertain and more importantly educate children during the closure.

Cosmic Kids Yoga - Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation activities for children.

Just Dance - You Tube videos of dance routines.


Virtual authors - A list of authors reading their books aloud online.

Spelling Frame - Spelling games for Yr 1 - Yr 6 - Good for phonics revision in Year 1 and 2.

Phonics Play - Phonics/ SPAG games for F2 to Year 3

Oxford Owl - Online books for nursery through to Year 6


Maths Frame - Year 2 - 6 National Curriculum programmes of study.  Worksheets and games for each area of learning.

White Rose - Home learning videos for maths from F2 to Year 6

Oxford Owl - Maths games for F2 - Year 6


Draw with Rob – Rob Biddulph is a children’s author and illustrator who has uploaded plenty of videos to teach you how to draw. Have fun!

Draw with Jim - Learn how to draw Oi Frog!


Sublime Science - Science experiment ideas

Science Kids - A great website with lots of information as well as ideas for science experiments

STEM Learning - Starters for STEM are 10 activities that parents can use at home to help children develop their science, technology, engineering and maths skills. These activities are easy to resource and provide children with the stimulus to talk about the world around them. If you see a link, you can explore how to extend these activities, you will need to sign up, for free, to access these materials.


Sing up - Free resources to keep you learning and singing outside of school.

Other Websites/ ideas

Bringing the great outdoors indoors! - Ideas from the scouts of activities you can do at home.

Radio Blogging - daily shows with interactive activities.

Sign Language for beginners - Learn the basics of British sign language.  A new video everyday at 1pm.

Cotswold Wildlife Park Webcams - See what some of the animals get up to!

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