What Computing looks like at Shaw Ridge School

What a computing lesson can look like in our school:

  • Some sessions are discrete and involve dedicated curriculum time. These typically involve understanding computers and some elements of computer programming.
  • Many of the core and foundation curriculum lessons involve an aspect of computing either as the main outcome or as a tool to enable a successful outcome for another subject.
  • Computing skills are sometimes taught alongside other subject skills.
  • Lessons involving computing are current, aim to enthuse the pupils and provide skills including problem solving which are adaptable across the wider curriculum.
  • E-safety is taught whenever online tools are being used, discretely through PSHE each half term and in response to the needs of the pupil and wider school community.

This is our philosophy:

  •  Children using creative skills to develop their learning and showcase their understanding.
  • Children use problem solving skills including those for computer programming.
  • Children have an understanding of how to stay safe online and use mobile technologies responsibly to engage in positive learning experiences using global resources.
  • We provide children with transferable computing skills to enable them to tackle future developments in technology and handle change successfully.

This is what we do:

  • Lessons are planned using the Computing progression skills document as a guide for each year group.
  • By the time the children leave Year 6, they are confident users of IT with transferable skills ready to use computing as a tool to support learning experiences across the curriculum.
  •  Each half term a PSHE/computing lesson is dedicated to developing e-safety awareness and to address the digital literacy element of the computing curriculum.
  • Where possible links are made with other subjects to enrich learning
  • Incorporate the use of technology where appropriate

This is what you might typically see:

  • A mash up of apps being used and/or selected by the pupils to investigate subjects, record their learning and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a topic
  • Children problem solving and being enthusiastic learners
  • Use of iPads, PCs, video recording equipment, BeeBot, green screen technology etc.
  • Children exploring different sources of information using QR codes or creating their own to showcase their work.
  • Twitter and the school website being used to highlight the learning taking place in computing.

This is how we know how well our pupils are doing:

  • Lessons are planned based on computing skills which are specific for each year group
  • Feedback by teacher and peers
  • Photographic and video evidence

This is the impact of teaching:

  • Children who are passionate by the use of information technology
  • Inquisitive learners and problem solvers
  • Children who are able to challenge themselves
  • Children willing to demonstrate their skills and understanding of computing
  • Children who are able to advocate safe use of online technologies whilst being aware of how to keep safe and report concerns

Computing Progression of Skills & Knowledge

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