PE and Sport at Shaw Ridge Primary School

The DfE is committed to getting children active whilst in Primary Schools – this  is what they say:

All young people should have the opportunity to live healthy and active lives. A positive experience of sport and physical activity at a young age can build a lifetime habit of participation, and is central to meeting the government’s ambitions for a world-class education system.

Physical activity has numerous benefits for children and young people’s physical health, as well as their mental wellbeing (increasing self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and lowering anxiety and depression), and children who are physically active are happier, more resilient and more trusting of their peers. Ensuring that pupils have access to sufficient daily activity can also have wider benefits for pupils and schools, improving behaviour as well as enhancing academic achievement.’

‘The PE and Sport Premium can help primary schools to achieve this aim, providing primary schools with £320m of government funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of the PE, physical activity and sport offered through their core budgets. It is allocated directly to schools so they have the flexibility to use it in the way that works best for their pupils.’

We use our government funding for Sport and PE in a variety of different ways including:

  • The purchase of physical resources i.e. Sports equipment, running track 
  • Increase participation in competitive sport – buying into various leads
  • Subsidised swimming activity  
  • Increasing the profile of sport across the school
  • Provide staff with additional development and mentors to help them teach sport more effectively
  • Raise the attainment of KS2 children to enable them to swim 25 metres by the time they leave Primary school.
  • Raise the attainment of KS2 children to enable them to swim 25 metres by the time they leave Shaw Ridge.
  • Develop opportunites for less active children to be involved in sporting activities

Evidencing the Impact of the Primary PE and Sport Premium

The information below gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

Sports Funding


PE and Sport Premium 2019/20




To provide high quality organised physical activity at lunch time. 5 hours a week.

1 x MDSA


To increase levels of activity amongst our children, improving health.

To provide high quality, specialist sports leader to work alongside teachers delivering sport & PE lessons

0.5 x Sports Coach


To increase the range of sports and activities taught, enabling children to better decide which healthy activity best fits them.

Organising and taking part in LACT sports competitions and area sports competition

6 x supply teacher cover days


By organising and taking part in local area competitions we enable more children to take part, improving health and enjoyment

To provide competitive sports through Netball and Football Leagues, including competition entry fees

3 x Teacher x, 1 hour a week


By running 3 x football teams and 1 x netball team to take part in league competitions has enabled more children to be involved with competitive sport.

Subsidising of costs of pool hire for swimming lessons to ease parental burden


Reducing parental contributions has encouraged more engagement in this vital activity.

Provide competitive sports through Fortius organisation.


The year group specific competitions provide some of our younger children with experience of competitive style


Staff training and development opportunities, to cover enrolment and supply cover costs 


Ensure we are keeping up to date with the latest developments in respect of age-appropriate sports coaching

The purchase of resources in order to deliver extra-curricular activities after school and additional sports play activities for children with physical disabilities


As part of our commitment to providing high quality Physical Education we must ensure that our teachers have access to appropriate equipment, and that the equipment is available to enable children

to fully participate in activities.

To cover the cost of transportation to sporting events, and covering the cost of trophies.


As part of our expansion of competitive events, teams need transportation to and from venues, thus enabling children to participate in range of different events.  This year saw more children taking part in access days to allow children with disabilities to experience a range of activities.

Children also like tokens/medals celebrating their achievement, both individual and for the trophy cabinet!

Expansion and addition to playground fitness equipment to promote and allow greater use (per children’s request and suggestions)


In order to further engage children in healthy activities we undertook a revamp of the current playground fitness equipment, updating and expanding the provision.

Construction of new running track around the school field to encourage both short and longer distance running events as class, small group or individual events


A proper surface and marked distances children encourage and challenge each other to beat their own records and each other.




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