Through our teaching we want to develop inquisitive, independent, resilient, self motivated learners for the future.

Every child's curriculum experience should involve the following:

  • Starting points and activities to inspire and motivate children to learn
  • Opportunities for pupils to work towards purposeful outcomes with real life contexts
  • Explore the traditions of British Culture which enhance and enrich our lives
  • Opportunities to use ICT to support learning across all areas
  • Visits/trips to enrich learning
  • Opportunities to perform to wider audiences  – class assemblies, celebration of work, performances to parents
  • Parental involvement/support
  • Opportunities to learn about current affairs
  • At least one residential trip
  • Theatre visits and Music Workshops
  • Visits from local services/businesses – fire, police, library
  • Use of our outside learning environment
  • Opportunities for pupils to personalise their learning
  • Explicit teaching of Independent Learning skills
  • Opportunities to develop an understanding of how to become a good citizen with life skills and aspirations
  • All members of our school, adults and pupils, to demonstrate a willingness to engage in lifelong learning.

Early Years and Nursery

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.

Read all about our Early Years curriculum on the ‘about our school’ pencil under Early Years prospectus.

KS1 and KS2

Children are provided with a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum that is carefully planned to meet the needs of individuals. English, Maths and Science have a very high profile as core subjects of the National Curriculum. The school actively promotes the government literacy and numeracy curriculum 2014. The foundation subjects are taught in line with the updated National Curriculum 2014.

Each term we produce a curriculum overview which reflects the exciting way we are approaching the areas of learning. Have a look at our curriculum overviews by clicking on ‘our topics.'

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